Chesapeake Energy is the company that everybody loves to hate. Short sellers have driven its stock price from a high of $35 to a recent low of $14 on the belief that natural gas prices are going to zero and going to take the debt heavy company and its CEO down with them. But ZeroHedge begs to differ. It says that zirp allows companies like Chesapeake to roll their debt and burn the short sellers (fundamentals be damned):
We said this a month ago when we cautioned, precisely about Chesapeake, that “to all those scrambling to short the company: beware. CHK has a history of being able to fund itself with HY bonds and other unsecured debt come hell or high water. If and when the stock tanks, the short interest will surge on expectations of a funding shortfall. Alas, courtesy of the Fed’s malevolent capital misallocation enabling, we are more than confident that the firm will be able to issue as much HY debt (unsustainably at 10%+, but that is irrelevant for the short-term) as it needs, crushing all short theses. What this means, simply, is that anyone who believes traditional fundamental analysis will and should work in the CHK case is likely to get burned.” Sure enough, we were again proven right: Chesapeake just announced, following today’s epic drubbing, that it is refinancing its secured debt facility (with its numerous restrictive covenants) with $3 billion in brand new Libor+7.00% unsecured paper (courtesy of Goldman and Jefferies). In doing so, CHK just got at least a one year reprieve.